You’ve got 3 days to make a $10 donation to Passports With A Purpose, an annual travel blogger coordinated fundraiser. This year’s objective is to raise $80,000 this year to build two libraries in Zambia and it’s the third year I’ve been participating. Each donation is US-tax deductible and with every $10 you donate you can enter yourself once to win one of several great prizes.
- This year I’m offering up my favorite new gadget on the market, the Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet. And yes, I know they don’t ship outside of the US – so that’s why I’ll send you one wherever you are in the world. Simply head to Passports With A Purpose to select a prize a donate. Remember, donations must be made by December 16th!
There are other wonderful tech gifts in the electronics section, including the competing Amazon Fire, an XBox 360, HTC 7 smartphone, and a one-year global Boingo Internet account. Oh, and yes, there are tours, trips, and other wonderful travel items as well. Each $10 is one chance to win whatever prize you select and helps to build two libraries in Zambia. It’s worth it – in 2009 PwP raised $30,000 to build a school in Cambodia and last year $64,000 to help build a village in India. To be a part of this year’s effort and enter to win a Nook Tablet, or one of the other prizes, donate here.